Thursday, May 19, 2005

Summer academic preparation, to exempt or not exempt?

I have reviewed the material from Stanford GSB regarding summer preparation and exemptions examinations. I initially thought I'd be able to exempt from the data and decisions (D&D) sections and especially some of the information management section, but I think not! Especially after reviewing some of the sample exams! There's considerable amount of statistics on the D&D section that I am not comfortable with and would certainly need a refresher. The information management section is doable with a week or so study, but there are some interesting bits I've not done before.
The idea being, that through exam exemption, I will free up course units to pursue more interesting courses or try out the "turbo" courses in areas that I'm competent. I'd be interested in pursuing some engineering courses for instance and gain that second Masters if possible and those spare credits would come in handy if the engineering courses could be double counted...
Anyhow, I think exempting from exams would be a unwise choice given that I'm not used to American education system. I think I'll stick to perfecting my excel skills this summer and have some fun and relax whilst it lasts... I'm very happy with their course selection system, it's very flexible allowing for different abilities and career ambitions- one of the reasons Stanford was always my top choice for an MBA.

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